41-year-old patient after a serious head injury. Patient is unconscious.

Unenhanced CT-scan
(i.e. without contrast administration).
Hyperdense (60-80 HE) traces of the right frontoparietal and left frontal gyri. Right-sided parietooccipital hyperdense, sickel-shaped mass between skull cap and brain surface. Midline shift to the left. Asymmetry of the lateral ventricles. Flatenned gyri and sulci. Hyperdense thickening of the callus.

Acute traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage on the right. Parietofrontal and left frontal acute subdural hemorrhage. Right-sided frontoparietal mass with consecutive midline shift and compression of the right lateral ventricle.
Brain edema.
Callus hematoma.

Epidural/subdural empyema.
If an accident is not obvious the existence of a vascular malformation (aneurysm) must be investigated!

Information on the internet:

1) Neuropat
2) Uni Marburg
3) Gesellschaft für Neurologie