A 71-year-old patient with a history of hypertension suddenly suffers from intense headache and hemiplegia. Patient is comatose.

Unenhanced CCT-scan (i.e. without contrast administration). Hyperdense (60-80HE) mass on the right around the internal capsule and the basal ganglia. Midline shift to the left. Asymmetric appearance of ventricular system (compressed on the right, congested on the left). Hyperdense collection in both the right and the left posterior horns. Flattened gyri und sulci on the right in comparison to the left side.


Hypertensive massive hemorrhage on the right with consecutive mass effect to the left.
Compression of the right ventricle and congestion of the left ventricle.
Bleeding into ventricular system.
Brain edema.

Brain tumors (glioblastoma, metastases)
Hemorrhagic infarction
Cerebral abscess

Information on the internet:

1) Uni Harvard
2) Neuroscript